Well, we did it. : ) We adopted another little girl... the furry four-legged kind of course. I finally talked Sean in to it, reluctantly, and he ended up naming her the first time he saw her picture. She was with a foster who brought her to our home on Friday. Summer and (then) Roxie got along instantly! It was so sweet seeing them together, and continues to be. You always wonder what people have gone through, and animals are the same, especially when they bear scars, which she has a few. She even came to us with a piece out of her ear from one of the other dogs at the foster home. Poor girl. She is super snuggly and very loving. In fact, when you get close, you will get kissed!
Seriously, look at this face? She looks so sad. I love her underbite, though! It gives her a little bottom lip.
Going for a ride!!
Keeping watch!
And the best treat ever, Sonic tatter tots! : )